Our Mission

Discover the mission and story behind our company

Our cofounder Bryan Smith speaking at a cybersecurity event

100% Self Owned and Operated

Personalized, efficient service.

Based in Detroit, USA, Serving Globally

Global reach, with a local touch.

20 Years of Expertise

Proven, tailored cybersecurity strategies.

Incorporating an array of cyber defense expertise, Redline Cyber Security was conceived by a group of seasoned professionals.

Identifying a gap in the market for enhanced cybersecurity solutions, this team founded Redline. They used their understanding of diverse security needs across industries to build Redline as a trusted partner. The aim was and is to fortify businesses of all sizes against the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Our Results

Delivering Outstanding Cybersecurity Outcomes

Real-world, quantifiable results that not only demonstrate our dedication to your security but also to your overall success. Witness the effectiveness of our strategies through tangible cybersecurity outcomes, reflecting our firm commitment.



Successful Projects



Identified Threats



Zero-day vulns discovered



Cyber Attack TTP's

Leading The Way in Cybersecurity

Expert Penetration Testing for Businesses & Communities

At Redline Cyber Security, we believe that every company should have access to reliable and effective cyber security solutions to safeguard their digital assets. Our mission is to provide comprehensive security services that help businesses of all sizes protect themselves from cyber threats.

Our story began with a group of experienced security professionals who saw a need for better cyber security solutions in the market. Since then, we have naturally grown into a trusted partner for businesses across industries, helping them navigate the complex and ever-changing landscape of cyber security.

At Redline Cyber Security, we are committed to staying ahead of the curve with the latest tools, technologies, and best practices in the field. We believe that cyber security is not just a product or a service, but a continuous process of improvement and adaptation. We work closely with each client to understand their unique needs and develop tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements.

Whether you're a small business just starting out or a large enterprise with complex security needs, Redline Cyber Security is here to help

Team of three people discussing cybersecurity objectives looking at multiple computer screens

Our Timeline

How We Started

Humble Beginnings

Our origins trace back to industry experts in enterprise cybersecurity roles, laying a strong foundation for what would become Redline Cyber Security.


Community Involvement

Through years of attending conferences and workshops, our team honed their skills and kept up-to-date with the rapidly evolving cyber landscape.

A Team is Born

Winning Capture the Flag competitions together, our group of hackers formed a cohesive team, showcasing remarkable synergy in security challenges.


A New Company Emerges

From CTFs to bug bounty hunting, our vulnerability disclosures and discoveries continually impressed companies, leading to the birth of Redline Cyber Security.

Expanding Our Horizons

With an increasing demand for services outside of just bug bounty, we expanded our offerings to include comprehensive penetration testing and tailored offensive-security solutions.


Organic Growth

From inception, Redline Cyber Security has seen steady, organic growth, becoming a trusted partner in the cybersecurity landscape.

From our humble beginnings to sustained organic growth, our journey reflects our passion for cybersecurity and commitment to our clients. As we continue to adapt and evolve, we remain dedicated to staying at the forefront of cybersecurity, safeguarding your digital assets with unmatched expertise and unwavering dedication.

Our Values

Shaping Our Approach to Cybersecurity

Client-Centric Approach

Prioritizing clients' security needs with effective, cost-efficient solutions.

Community Engagement

Actively fostering cybersecurity learning and collaboration through nationwide events.

Continuous Improvement

Unrelenting pursuit of latest cybersecurity technologies and practices for optimal client security.

Integrity & Transparency

Upholding honesty and clear communication for trusted client relationships.