
GrrCon 2023 CTF

Redline Cyber Security
Sep 30, 2023
min read
GrrCon Hacker Conference 2023 Car Hacking Village Capture The Flag

Greetings to the Redline Cyber Security Community!

Our CEO and founder, Bryan, recently returned from another great year at GrrCon 2023, a premier cybersecurity summit and hacker conference held in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This event, renowned for its "vibrant" atmosphere and a strong sense of community, brought together about 2,200 participants from diverse backgrounds, including Fortune 500 executives, security researchers, industry professionals, students, and hackers​​.

This year, Bryan took his expertise to new heights in the Car Hacking Village, an increasingly popular domain in cybersecurity. Participating in the Block Harbor Cybersecurity Car Hacking Village CTF, he led his team to an impressive 2nd place. This achievement is particularly noteworthy, considering they held the lead for most of the competition, a testament to their skills and teamwork.

This year challenges spanned a variety of technical skills, encompassing reverse engineering, binary exploitation, and sophisticated techniques like CAN (Controller Area Network) injection, UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services) protocols, and TCP/IP networking. Each task was designed to push the boundaries of our understanding and application of these complex systems, offering a hands-on experience on a Ford Mach-E, giving real-world scenarios of car hacking.

GrrCon 2023 was not just about competition; it was a melting pot of knowledge sharing and learning. Keynote speakers like Kevin Johnson discussed the importance of maintaining the essence of InfoSec amid a landscape dominated by marketing-driven sensationalism​​. Sessions by experts like Zach Hanley and James Horseman provided insights into the hacker mindset and demonstrated the discovery of vulnerabilities in widely used technologies​​.

One of the key takeaways from the conference was the diverse range of topics covered. From Nathan Ruehs sharing his personal experience with a ransomware breach​​, to Patrick Matthews discussing strategies for anonymizing Red Team activities​​, the conference offered a deep dive into various aspects of cybersecurity.

The event also highlighted the importance of continuous learning and development in our field. Talks like the one by Matt Schwager on finding security bugs in web application routes using route-detect​​, or Catherine Ullman’s session on the importance of offensive security knowledge for defenders​​, reinforced the idea that staying ahead in cybersecurity means constantly evolving and adapting.

GrrCon is a very special event here in Michigan and we applaud the Block Harbor team for their innovative challenges and recommend their VSec Platform ( for anyone keen on exploring car hacking.

Bryan's achievement at GrrCon is a testament to Redline Cyber Security's dedication to excellence, community, and innovation in the michigan cybersecurity scene.

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